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Cablevey Conveyors

1609 Airport Rd Monroe, NC 28110 United States

Look to the established leader in the food processing industry for gentle, reliable conveyance of friable materials. Cablevey’s enclosed, tubular drag conveyor systems are found in over 65 countries, used to transport more than 1,000 different types of materials. Our modular system relies on basic components such as discs, tubing, cables and sweeps that supply the flexibility and adaptability to accommodate a processing plant’s space and specifications. From powders to pet food, coffee and cocoa to cereals or snacks, Cablevey conveyors supply unique benefits that help widen profit margins.

Food & Dry Ingredient Handling

Akona Process Solutions - Food & Dry Ingredient Handling Product Image

Cablevey is an original equipment manufacturer of cable, tube, drag, and disc conveyors used to convey small and fragile ingredients or products within a processing line. Typical applications are for conveying snack foods, peanuts, breakfast cereals, pet foods, bird food, as well as coffee beans on roasting lines and grains used in beer brewing. Cable and tube conveyor systems are ideal for conveying delicate, fragile and specialty bulk materials and product blends through all phases of the production processes in a dust and contamination-free environment through to packaging.

See the Food & Dry Ingredient Handling page on this company's website.

Types of Food & Dry Ingredient Handling

  • Processing Conveyors/Conveyance


  • Dry process
  • Hygienic (low-moisture)