Liquid Fillers
Volumetric liquid filling machines from Multi-Fill include the MPFMP-060, ideally suited for lower-speed production lines, research and development labs, and pilot plant operations. The product is loaded onto the top pan and manually fed to the filling tube by an operator. MPFSH-075 volumetric filler handles up to 60-75 containers per minute. It can be upgraded to a MPFSC-120 for increased speed and/or different products at a later date. The MPFSH-075 is recommended for applications where more automatic product feeding is required. It is suitable for lower speeds, easier (looser) products, and smaller fill weights. The MPFSC-120 is designed to fill up to 120 containers per minute depending on volume to fill and line configuration. The MPFSC-120 is recommended where not only more automatic feeding of the product is required but the capability of higher speeds, stickier products or larger volumes are needed.
See the Liquid Fillers page on this company's website.
Types of Liquid Fillers
- Net Weight Fillers (Liquid)
- Pilot/lab
- Rotary
- Semi-automatic
- Volumetric
Package Types:
- Ampoule or Vial
- Bottle or Jar
- Cup, Bowl or Tub