Packaging Inspection Equipment
The SureVac family of leak tester/bubble tester machines handle quality control for sanitary and sterile packaging by detecting gross leaks in a wide range of blister packs, pouches and medical device packaging. SureVac will test a sealed package in a water-filled vacuum chamber to a preset vacuum level for a set amount of time. Air bubbles are an indication of a leak. An immediate seal failure is indicated by a burst of the package in the water. The most common uses for SureVac leak testers in industry are altitude simulation, seal integrity testing and package development and a great tool for performing several ASTM tests.
See the Packaging Inspection Equipment page on this company's website.
Types of Packaging Inspection Equipment
- Package Integrity Testing
Package Types:
- Cartridge
- Pouch
- Stand-up Pouch
- Thermoformed Vacuum Pack
- Tray
- Vacuum Shrink Pack